Analytical Laboratory Services

Badger Labs has more than 50 years of experience as Wisconsin’s most accurate and trusted analytical laboratory. We analyze groundwater, wastewater, drinking water, soil, sludge, food and tissue samples.  Read more about the analytical services that we offer to help keep our clients in regulatory compliance, help monitor our public health and keep our environment safe.

Lab Equipment - Laboratory Analytical Services - Badger Labs - Wisconsin


Wastewater Analytical Services

Wastewater discharged from industrial and municipal operations is subject to constantly changing NPDES permitting requirements.  Permit holders are responsible for analyzing wastewater to ensure potential contaminants have been removed before discharging wastewater. To ensure you are in compliance, Badger Labs offers full wastewater analytical, sampling and reporting services.  Our state-of-the-art data management system offers our clients several options to receive data including standard report emailing to data extraction in multiple file formats through our client portal on our website. 

Our experienced team works closely with you to find the right testing methodologies for your permit requirements and helps manage your compliance schedule. 

Our full service NPDES permit analysis include: 

  • General Analysis: BOD, TSS, pH
  • Low-Level Nutrients: Phosphorus, Nitrogen Compounds
  • Metals including Low-level Mercury Analysis
  • Microbiological
  • Organic Compounds
  • Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET Testing)

Badger labs experienced staff is available to help interpret and review the results of the analysis with our clients.  Each one of our staff is dedicated to quality data, good communication and quality service. Contact us to find out how our wastewater analytical services will help you stay in compliance. 


Groundwater Analytical Services

Badger Labs groundwater sampling and analysis services play a vital role in maintaining the quality of one of Wisconsin’s most important natural resources—groundwater.  Since the 1970’s our company has been sampling and analyzing groundwater around municipal and industrial landfills, spray irrigation fields, seepage ponds and hazardous waste spill sites. Our mobile field lab and environmental technicians provide on-site analysis and sample filtering prior to returning the samples to our laboratories for analysis.   

Our company’s owner and current groundwater project manager assisted the DNR in writing the WDNR Groundwater Sampling Field Manual in the 1980’s. Badger Labs currently samples and analyzes more than 50 sites and 500 groundwater monitoring wells throughout Wisconsin.  

Our full-service WPDES groundwater permit testing services include: 

  • In-field Mobile Lab Analysis and Sample Filtration 
  • General Analysis
  • Trace Metals
  • Pesticides and Herbicides
  • Organic Compounds (VOC’s, PCB’s)

Your groundwater analysis will include accurate and detailed reporting capabilities for submission directly to the state’s reporting system. 

If you would like to learn more about groundwater analysis and reporting, please contact us


Drinking Water

Over the past 30+ years since Wisconsin implemented Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) requirements, public utility systems and private homeowners have trusted Badger Labs to analyze their drinking water in accordance with SDWA regulations. In addition to testing municipal, home and well drinking water, we can also provide sampling and analysis of potable water in agricultural and industrial applications. Our labs have certified drinking water operators are available for expert sampling and analysis of drinking water for municipalities, commercial bottled water companies, food industries and private wells. 

Our staff is experienced in managing public drinking water system projects and can make the process easier for you by shipping collection bottles per your testing schedule, and we can test for the full range of drinking water parameters including:

  • Biological Contaminants
  • Inorganic Contaminants 
  • Synthetic Organic Compounds
  • Volatile Organic Contaminants 
  • Disinfection By-products
  • EPA Primary and Secondary Contaminants
  • Taste or Odor Contaminants
  • Residential Drinking Water 

If you are interested in the analysis of your home or private well drinking water to ensure it is safe, please visit our Drinking Water Test Kit page. If you would like to speak with us about drinking water analysis for your municipal or industrial operations, please contact us here for a quote.


Hazardous Waste Analysis and Determination

If you have manufacturing or industrial byproducts that need hazardous waste analysis to meet federal, state or landfill specific disposal requirements, we can help! Badger Labs is the leader in hazardous waste analysis and classification and has worked with numerous manufacturing, foundry, paper and printing companies to ensure your waste materials are being disposed of properly. 

Among some of the hazardous waste analyses we have expertise in are:

  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) analysis
  • Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) analysis
  • Foundry Sand Analysis
  • Metals and Grinding Swarf and Scrap Analysis
  • Disposal Profiling Analysis
  • Contaminated Soil Analysis
  • DRO and GRO Organics
  • Pesticides, Herbicides, PCB’s
  • Byproducts
  • Paint Sludge
  • Car Wash Trench Sludge
  • Industrial Trench Sludge
  • Boiler Ash

If you need to test your potentially hazardous waste, contact us today.

Sludge, Soil, Sediment and Solids Analysis

From metals to microbiological and organics testing, you may need specific analysis of sludge, soil or sediment from your municipal, manufacturing, commercial or agricultural operations. Badger Labs can help you test these byproducts to ensure you are disposing of or land applying them properly. Badger Labs completes characterization analyses of sludge for many of Wisconsin’s wastewater treatment plants.

Badger Labs has vast expertise in sediment testing for dredging projects or where there may be sediment buildup in waterways. Our expert field technicians know all the do’s and don’ts for obtaining accurate samples in these environments. We can test soils and sediments for a wide range of nutrients, pH and toxicity parameters so that you can be assured the material is safe for redistribution on food plots or gardens. 

In addition to soils and sediments, Badger Labs can analyze coal, black liquor, pellets and bark samples for a wide range of fuel strength and quality parameters including:

  • Ash
  • BTU
  • Sulfur
  • Proximate
  • Short Proximate
  • Solids

If you are interested in solids testing and analysis, contact Badger Labs for a quote

Surface Water Analytical Services

Badger Labs can assist in private and state-funded surface water projects for lakes, rivers and streams. Our experienced staff can coordinate with lake associations, research groups or public entities to sample and analyze our state’s great water bodies.

Surface water analysis that Badger Labs can assist with includes:

  • General Water Quality Analysis
  • Nutrients
  • Metals
  • Turbidity

Badger Labs can provide in-field analysis as well as detailed analysis of surface water in our state-of-the-art labs. Please contact us to find out more about our surface water analytical services. 

Food Industry Testing

Wisconsin has a large food processing industry and Badger Labs is one of the primary analytical providers for our state’s great companies. In addition to SDWA testing for agricultural food industries, Badger Labs provides analytical services for meat products including the beef, pork and poultry industries. A list of our food industry testing includes:

  • Fat Claim Analysis
  • Safe Drinking Water Testing
  • Land Application Sampling 
  • Additional Product Testing

Contact us to learn more about our capabilities. 

Paper Testing

Badger Labs analyzes pulp and paper products for our great paper industry in the state of Wisconsin and around the country.  Companies in the U.S. trust Badger Labs to test their pulp and paper products according to TAPPI and FDA Extraction methods. If you are interested in our paper industry testing capabilities, please contact us

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